Harnessing the power of the sun is accomplished by using an interconnected grid of solar cells (also known as photovoltaic, or PV, cells). These cells are made of layers of silicon and capture sunlight in much the same way that the leaves of plants do.

Photovoltaic systems produce clean, reliable energy without consuming fossil fuels.

Conventional fuel sources have created a myriad of environmental problems. Today, the majority of PV modules use silicon as their major component. The silicon cells manufactured from one ton of sand can produce as much electricity as burning 500,000 tons of coal.

Advantages of Photovoltaic Technology :

  • Reliability : By preventing costly power failures, operations can operate without interruption.
  • Durability : Most manufacturers guarantee the PV modules to produce power for 25 years. Most will keep producing well beyond that time frame.
  • Low Maintenance cost : Only periodic inspection and occasional maintenance is required.
  • No fuel costs : No purchasing, storing or transporting of fuel.
  • Reduced sound pollution : PV systems operate silently.
  • PV Modularity : Modules may be added incrementally to upgrade an existing PV system.


Grid-tied system without battery back-up

This is the less expensive system, consisting of two main components – PV array and grid-tied inverter. The PV array produces more power than a house or business requires. The surplus power can be sold back to the local electricity supplier or to a neighbour, in the case of rural locations. Surplus power cannot be stored in this application.

Grid Tie Solar Electricity


Grid-tied system with battery back-up

This system is a more expensive which system consists of – PV array, grid-tied inverter, batteries and the charger/controller.
The PV array produces more power than a house or business requires. The surplus power can then be stored to provide power when there is power outages or during the night, and sold back to the local electricity supplier.

grid tie solar electric with battery
Battery, Inverter Grid tie system


Off-Grid system

This system consists of – PV array, inverter, batteries and the charger/controller.
The PV array produces more power than a house or business requires. The surplus power can then be stored to provide power during the night. There is no backup power from a local electricity supplier.

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